Welcome to your Acting Algorithm online coaching programme.
This is the main page where you’ll find links to all your 12 weeks’ information. We recommend you access them week by week, as there’ll be plenty of training you need to do each week with your coaches as well as on your own.
To submit your homework, please upload it to any file sharing service and send the link to the email of either your choreography coach or your acting coach.
Choreography coach, Mariia Miasnikova: mariiamiasnikova@gamayuntheatre.com
Acting coach, Asya Sosis: asyasosis@gamayuntheatre.com
About Programme:
The Acting Algorithm is a 12-week coaching programme consisting of 3 equally important subjects: the acting technique, body sculpture and the business of acting. You will learn all of these, as a well-rounded multi-skilled actor is that much more marketable in the entertainment industry. You will have access to video-lectures as well as personal and group coaching via Zoom with
Asya Sosis, Artem Atamaniuk and Mariia Miasnikova.
For any questions you have about the programme, your homework or anything else, please send us a message via the Help Desk (see button below) or you can ask us live over our weekly Q&A sessions on Zoom.
The Q&A dates and times, as well as the Zoom conference link will be available on your Private Facebook group, The Algorithms
Don’t forget to check out the video below to familiarise yourself with how to navigate the website!